“Yes, we must protect them from Ikal Ahau and Yum Cimil.
Death is always close when those two Spirits are near,” said Zotz.
Tital awoke to the warmth of a crackling fire, and the familiar
smell of bacon and eggs cooking. “What is this? How did you
cook...oh, never mind. I am totally hungry!” Tital said as he
scoped out the food.
“I knew you would be hungry, and at the same time wanting
to find your friends very soon,” Mahucutah said.
Tital found not only bacon and eggs, but also orange juice and
fresh strawberries waiting for him. While eating breakfast, he
noticed his horse, Centella, and the new horse, Cenit, were
eating fresh smelling alfalfa hay. This fellow Mahucutah was able
to perform many wondrous things.
“I see our horses and my burro are well fed,” Tital said.
“Yes, of course. They have many kilometers to travel today,”
answered Mahucutah.
“Who are those Spirits that are feeding our animals?” asked
“Huehue is the Fire Spirit and he is the one with the big nose.
Yum Kaax is the Spirit that controls all plants, and he suggested
that I feed our animals alfalfa for energy. They have informed
me that we will certainly catch up to your friends today. I would
suggest to you that we should approach them after they have set
up their camp for the night, so take your time to eat well. I have