6 JUAN FRANCISCO BLANCO new and unusual creatures we find out here in nowhere. She likes to help me with detailed drawings I need to make for my work. She helps me by looking for something different using our microscope. Now I am really worried. Where would this man take our children off to?” Tomás said anxiously. “They must be very frightened. It certainly sounds like an effect from the old stone when Bardala touched it, it made magical things happen. I never knew it was possible for someone’s eyes to turn from brown to blue like that.” Tital pondered. “As a scientist, I would say it was not possible, but I witnessed it with my own eyes,” Tomás said. “I’m deeply troubled over this.” At that point, Teresa returned with some close-up photos, and said to Tital, “Here are some recent pictures of our children. They were taken only last week. They look so happy. It was Bardala’s birthday, the twenty-second of February.” She paused with a tear in her eye, and then went on to say, “The boy in this photo is Jonathan and he is eleven. Viviana is standing next to him and she is eight. I miss them already, and we need to find them, but where do we look and how? The cell phones won’t work out this far, because it is too far from anywhere civilized. We will have to....” Tital interrupted, “I will go and find them. I have my dog, Brilloso, and my horse Centella, ready to go right now. The man is on foot, and he is ahead of me by how many hours do you think?” “I would say no more than six hours,” Tomás said, “But you are only a boy, and he is an adult, and stronger than you are.”