THE BIG ISSUE The Big Issue - 11 January 2016 | Page 15
The commentariat
are so shrill I’m
backing Corbyn
hose Blairites have some McCarthyite-like bitching about Corbyn over the reshule, claiming Corbyn is “very
brass neck, don’t they? from the right, the media and sections of top-down”. Blair-backing journalists
Freaked out by the ascen- his own party. Consider his recent resh- accuse Corbyn of having his own Praetorian
dancy of Jeremy Corbyn to ule, or the Revenge Reshule as everyone Guard – Momentum – which uses “water-
the top of Labour, they called it. The way some talked about front machismo” to protect their “Caesar”.
whisper to the media about Corbyn’s shifting of shadow ministers,
Can these people hear themselves?
how cliquish, vindictive and top-down the you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a rerun It’s hard to think of anyone less macho, or
Corbynistas are, and what a horrible of the Night of the Long Knives. Apparently Caesar-like, than Corbyn. What’s more,
spin doctor they have in Seumas Milne Corbyn was driven by “vengeance”.
one of the main reasons many Labourites
(former Guardian columnist). Which is a
Actually, rearranging one’s party staf became ticked off with New Labour
bit like Gordon Ramsay complaining about is a perfectly normal thing to do and always was precisely because of its own “very
people swearing.
involves leaders shunting aside people they top-down” style (think of Alastair
For the folks around Tony Blair in the dislike or disagree with. It’s called politics, Campbell barking at everyone to toe the
late 1990s and early 2000s, as he turned guys. In the event, all Corbyn did was Blairite line) and its severe cliquishness.
Labour from a political party for working sack two people – Europe minister Pat Have we forgotten the Shakespearean
people into a shiny PR machine for McFadden and culture minister Michael skullduggery of the aeons-long Blair-
middle-class professionals, were Dugher – and move Maria Eagle. It’s hardly Brown spat? The factional heavies who
world-beaters at the very tactics they now the Red Wedding of Game of Thrones, is leaked against their internal opponents?
accuse the Corbyn camp of using. If the it? Shadow minister Kevan Jones resigned
Corbyn is positively open-minded in
Corbynistas really are sharpening
comparison with that old stuff.
The worst thing about the
their knives for what many call an
anti-Corbyn crybabies sitting
anti-Blairite purge, then maybe they
learnt a trick or two from the
mopey-faced beneath their framed
Blairites themselves. The New
pictures of Blair and wishing it could
Labour wing of the party is being
be 1997 forever is their contempt for
done in by a political style of its
Labour democracy. Some anti-
own making.
Corbyn columnists have called for
There are so many dispiriting
ministers to stab him in the back:
things about the current corroded
depose him, “save Labour”. From
state of Labour. For me, personally,
whom? Its own members, it seems.
the worst thing is that I’ve found
They voted fairly and convincingly
myself defending Corbyn, of whom
for Corbyn just five months ago.
I’ve never been a fan, because the
The anti-Corbyn crybabies would
other side, the bitter Blairite politi-
kill their party’s democracy in order
cos and columnists, are so much
to save the party – like extracting a
worse. To give you a sense of how little Jeremy Corbyn kept Hilary Benn onside as shadow foreign secretary man’s soul but allowing him to live on
I care for Corbyn’s politics, get this:
as a zombified body.
when I was 16, and started to think of myself
What we have is not a Labour civil war
as a leftie, I went to hear some people speak
but rather the historic collapse of the
out against the First Gulf War. One of them
party being played out publicly. There’s one
was Corbyn. And I remember my friend
question none of them can answer, and that
and I saying to each other: “Not this old
is: what is Labour for in a largely post-class,
guy.” That was 1990.
post-industrial era, when many of its
We were being unfair, since Corbyn
former voters have abandoned it?
would only have been 41 then – my age now!
Terrified of confronting that existential
– and he’d only been in parliament seven
stickler, instead party factions just fight,
years. But, to my mind, he always gave of
in the process making worse the very crisis
a vibe of tiredness, lacking daring. So I was
their fighting is designed to disguise.
far from excited when he was elected
Labour leader last September. But since
Brendan O’Neill is a columnist for
The Big Issue. He is the editor of Spiked.
then my Corbynphobia has taken second
place to my growing concern over the
crybabies would
kill their party’s
democracy in
order to save
Labour – allowing
it to live on in a
zombified body”
THE BIG ISSUE / p15 / January 11-17 2016