The Best of Ellijay, Blue Ridge & Jasper Funpaper issue 7 | Page 40
he Pryer family had lived in their
beautiful rental home in the country
for five years. It was filled with
treasured memories and a warm family
life. They were getting ready for Christmas and many presents were already
bought and wrapped. On Dec 1, 2013,
tragedy struck. They awoke to their
house on fire. Everyone in the family got
out safely except there much loved dog
Cece. She perished in the fire, and so did
ALL the family’s possessions. They lost
everything but the clothes on their back
and each other.
The Red Cross put them up in the
Stratford Inn for a couple nights, but
they had no where else to go, and all the
things we take for granted now had to be replaced. Imagine trying to get a new ID when
you have nothing to prove who you are. Imagine all your pictures and kid’s beloved stuffed
animals GONE!
The mom, Sandra Pryer posted a note with
a couple pictures of her now burnt down
home on Facebook to tell all her friends what
had happened, and that note spread all over
the North Georgia Community. Within one
day, people began dropping clothes off for
them. Soon some more days at the hotel was
paid for by caring strangers. Then they were
taken to Walmart shopping to get all their
basic need items replaced. Toys arrived for
the kids. The wonderful place where we live
took good care of the Pryor family, and within
a few weeks they were in a new rental home,
with all the basics and most furniture provided. There was even a decorated Christmas
tree with wrapped presents underneath.
While this certainly was a devastating event
to live through, the Pryors are now coming
out the other side and are very grateful for all
the love they were given. Sandra says on her
Facebook page- As you all know, we had a
house fire and lost all we had. Yesterday
morning we got a house. As we walked into
this house, we was amazed and all I could do
was cry. It was filled with furniture and beautifully decorated. I can’t thank you ALL for what
you have done for my family. I wasn’t a big
believer on miracles and stuff but since the
fire, I am and I know that God does work
threw people in time. My life has changed a
lot since the fire (for the better) and I know
God has a plan for us. I want to thank every
one in these 2 groups for what all you all have
done, the work, the food(was great btw) .
Pryor Family (OFFICIAL PAGE) and also Pryor
Family Miracle page. I never would have
thought people would or could care so much
for strangers. I don’t know how we can every
thank you all enough for what you all have
done. There are so many people that have
helped us I can’t post them all so I just thank
Mrs Pryor sends me a note to add some
thanks- We would like to thank Gilmer Fire
dept for their services, the Red Cross, Stratford Inn, Pizza King, The
Budget Inn, Lock guys and
everyone in the Gilmer
County community that
helped us during our struggle.
Now this is a story with a
happy ending. Don’t you love
How come we choose from just two people to run for president ...and 50 for Miss America