The Best of 2021 | Page 83

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

includes four key priorities . -


Artificial Intelligence ( AI )


Command , Control and Com- munications ( C3 )

These elements ents are all embed- ded in the PureActiv base ar- chitecture as well as in the indi- vidual security designs that we have used successfully in the US and internationally .

Working with DOD JAIC since 2016 allowed us to understand and implement many guide- lines and techniques early and test them at field installations , gradually refining the software algorithms and taking full ad- vantage of sensor correlation .

One of JAIC early recommenda- tions was to not only put the bounding boxes around the detected objects , but also in- clude relevant metadata to de- liver more information for the mission .

The special features implement- ed in the PureActiv solutions include auto-verification .

Our edge devices and servers receive events from multiple sensors and then command PTZ cameras to go inspect the target detected by motion analytics , radars , fence sensors , and ground sensors to auto- matically confirm target type BEFORE issuing an alarm , i . e ., provide auto-verification .

As a result , we developed a very robust approach that fused the standard video analytics with AI / DL and radar tracks to