The Best of 2021 | Page 329

( Hear directly from Dr . Kevin Becker , keynote speaker at Newtown Sandy Hook Community Connections Day posted on Jul 10 , 2017 . Courtesy of ORI Consulting and YouTube .)
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

2021 ASTORS Excellence : Kevin Becker , PsyD , LCP




Kevin Becker , PsyD , LCP

Trauma Counselor , and Owner of ORI Consulting

Excellence in Scientific Research

This award is in recognition of Dr . Becker s lifetime of ser- vice as a prac- titioner and as a psychologist helping individuals , orga- nizations , and governments prepare for , re- spond to , and recover from crisis and

https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v =_ 8-u7 _ vKsjs

traumatic events , and the hu- man impact of trauma , crisis , and disaster for organizations and individuals , and works regu- larly in areas of Crisis response , Crisis communication , Crisis planning and Crisis manage- ment and Victimization .

Understanding the human as- pects and impacts of crisis and disaster and providing practical approaches to address it is the heart of his work .

( Hear directly from Dr . Kevin Becker , keynote speaker at Newtown Sandy Hook Community Connections Day posted on Jul 10 , 2017 . Courtesy of ORI Consulting and YouTube .)