The Best of 2021 | Page 31


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2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

What is your re- sponse to solar winds ?”

Seek vendors who go beyond FBI Criminal Jus- tice Information Services ( CJIS ) and Federal In-

Courtesy of Mark43

formation Processing Standards ( FIPS ) requirements .

Ask vendors to share the results of their SOC Type 2 audit or oth- er comparable security audit or certification , which can provide critical insight into a vendor s security posture .

The most effective way to aug- ment IT resources is by lever- aging the cloud .

Government cloud providers em- ploy the world s top cybersecu- rity experts and spend more than a billion dollars a year in cyber defense .

Look to the cloud .

With restrictive budgets , pub- lic safety agencies often do not have the funds necessary to build comprehensive IT teams .

Hacks happen . Be ready to respond .

All organizations must have a crisis plan designed specifical- ly for cyberattack .