The Best of 2021 | Page 16

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

The Bureau of Justice Assis- tance provides toolkits , grants , and free technical assistance to agencies ready to shape the modern public safety land- scape . 4

Key takeaways

Engage city leaders ers and com- munity stakeholders early

Share information between agencies to help create tai- lored responses

Iterate and persist to meet the community s evolving needs by use of rigorous analysis of data and sentiment gather- ing from the community and stakeholdersers

Trend # 2 : Data is key to im- proving relationships with all stakeholders

In recent years , public confi- dence in law enforcement has approached record lows5 5 , es- pecially in traditionally under- served communities .

In 2022 , leading agencies will expand the use of data in their efforts to rebuild community trust .

Citizens are taking an active role in public safety prob- lem-solving , and agencies are rethinking their engagement through three tenets : availabil- ity , accessibility , and authentic- ity .

Availability is the first , not the only , step in data sharing .

Historically , agencies have shared their data with the pub- lic through annual reports . This