The Best of 2021 | Page 89

PureTech team can help you with your design .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

Upon request , we will provide access to our proprietary cam- era layout design software and imaging calculator to help ensure a properly designed au- tomated and effective perim- eter protection system with full coverage at the most eco- nomical cost possible .

About the Author

Ilia Rosenberg , PureTech Vice Presi- dent , Federal Sector

In his prior role as Managing Director for Blue Ocean Advisory Group and ISR GeoSensing he was responsible for managing programs related to nation- al defense , security . In 2016-2019 he was VP of Programs at a Silicon Valley AI start-up where he successfully brought AI technology to DoD and the intelli- gence community .

In 2011-2015 he served as Chief Tech- nologist for AGT International Global Delivery Organization in its Headquar- ters in Zurich , Switzerland leading the

Ilia Rosenberg

worldwide engineering team to assure effective development and transition of new products and creative solutions for Smart and Safe Cities and Smart Bor- ders programs .

Before joining AGT International in 2011 , Ilia served as the Director of Technology Assessment for the Boeing Company Security Solutions division in Arlington , VA . Before joining Boeing he worked in the field of atmospherical physics and completed his postdoctoral studies at the Department of Chemical Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin .

He published extensively in the peer review journals and his projects were covered by the New York Times , Time Magazine , San Francisco Chronicle , New Scientist , The BBC , Discovery Channel , and Washington Technology .