The Best of 2021 | Page 86

R-DAPSS www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

Modern surveillance operational concepts and large-scale human centric system designs often have gaps that cannot , without going into a great expense , be closed easily .

The autonomous systems can eliminate the risk to the hu- man operator ; offer freedom from human limits on work- load , fatigue , and stress ; and be able to assimilate high volume data and make decisions based on time scales that far exceed human ability .

In response to this need by the DoD , DHS and international mar- kets , PureTech Systems have de- signed the Rapid Deploy Auton- omous Perimeter Surveillance System ( R-DAPSS ) that provides airports , borders , military bases , seaports , and utilities the ability to quickly deploy a temporary

or permanent high fidelity vir- tual perimeter system at sub- stantially less cost and time than a hard-wired solution .

While powered by the same Pu- reActiv C5ISR software and dif- ferent sensors , depending on the environment and threats , R-DAPSS can provide a versatile autonomous surveillance in- frastructure that operates with or without high-speed networks and with or without a shore pow- er .

Additionally , the inherent ability to change the detection charac- teristics over the air ( OTA ) make it an indispensable tool to address changing operational ob- jectives .

The R-DAPSS system is available through both a purchase and lease option , depending on your needs and security budget .