The Best of 2021 | Page 7

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

Dynamic Risk in 2022 :

Creating Actionable Intelligence with AI

If there ’ s anything we ’ ve learned about 2021 , it ’ s that no government or organization is immune to disruption . With the risk landscape continuing to evolve and become multifaceted , the conversation around risk is changing . Organizations have been forced into adapting a new way to mitigate and manage threats , especially as risk dynamics continue to evolve .
Just looking at 2021 , one can consider
• One of the largest disruptions of supply chain availability , prices and logistics the world has ever seen
• A record-year of security vulnerabilities , resulting in a nationwide gas shortage
• The deadliest year for major weather disasters in 4 years
• The worst assault on the U . S . Capitol since 1812
• An influx of more people working from home than ever before
These are just a few of the many risks that have had a ripple effect on our people , places and property . The truth is , these complexities will become more dynamic in 2022 , and many security leaders are struggling to keep ahead . Achieving organizational resilience remains top of mind . Our commissioned study by Forrester consulting reveals organizations are underprepared to handle dynamic risk .
Only 30 % of organizations surveyed are very confident they can handle the increasing complexity of risk management .
Business usual is no more and business unusual is here to stay . So where do security leaders go from here ?
The ability to detect and respond to risk before the impact can make all the difference when it comes to resilience . The dynamic nature of risk shows how quickly one risk can evolve into another . While it may seem daunting to imagine all the possible scenarios that could unfold , the key to being prepared is being proactive .
To survive and thrive in today ’ s dynamic and complex risk landscape , organizations must leverage technology like Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) to create more relevant , real-time insights about risk — so leaders can make informed decisions , in advance .
Create an ‘ always on ’ approach to risk management
In times of uncertainty , organizations and governments need better and more relevant data , in real-time , surrounding external threats and how they correlate with an organizations people , places and operations . With technology like The OnSolve ® Platform for Critical Event Management , external data surrounding critical events can all be gathered across
news and social feeds using machine learning ( ML ) and AI . They can then be verified and confirmed based on the source , time / place , and similarities — so organizations can be sure of the event details . Using AI , technology like OnSolve Risk Intelligence can then overlay data surrounding a critical event with an organization ’ s assets and people , giving security leaders a full view of relevant and timely risk to their business at all times .
Armed with this actionable intelligence , cross functional leaders can make informed decisions on how to respond , prepare and mitigate the impact , then instantly communicate with relevant groups or individuals to activate plans .
Being underprepared for crises leads to more damage and losses . This always-on approach to critical event management strengthens organizational resilience and puts leaders in a good position to manage , monitor and adapt to dynamic risk in 2022 .
For more information , please visit www . onsolve . com .