The Best of 2021 | Page 377

tions , that helps organiza- tions reduce risk by quick- ly identifying who they can trust .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

Fortior Solutions through their RAPIDGate ® and RAP- ID-RCx ® programs , pro- vide unparalleled perimeter control at some of the most security-conscious organizations in the world in- cluding , the U . S . Army , U . S . Coast Guard , U . S . Navy , U . S . Marine Corps , and NASA among others , and is the larg- est commercial provider of rec- ognized ven- dor credentials to the U . S . Department of De- fense



RAPIDGate program is a complete ven- dor management solution that includes verification of company sponsorship , com- pany enrollment , multi-lan- guage kiosk-based registra- tion , individual biographic and biometric collection , equipment , commercial back- ground screenings , and DOJ / FBI NCIC / III checks ( subject to approval of the relevant government authorities ).

To Learn More , please visit www . fortiorsolutions . com .

Katherine Huffer Cowan . General Counsel and Secretary , accepts Fortior Solutions 2021 ASTORS Extraordinary Leadership & Innovation Award