The Best of 2021 | Page 349

stand to multiply the negative impact on businesses and gov- ernment operations dramati- cally in the near future .

www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60

Current processes such as big data analytics , machine learning , artificial intelligence , checksum technology , monitoring known signatures and APIs , and human intervention are obviously not working against ever-evolv- ing , Zero-Day ransomware vari- ations .

Most existing solutions are at- tempting to reduce detection time from months to weeks or even days , which is an improve- ment , but clearly not a solution to the fundamental problem that data exfiltration and corruption happens in seconds to minutes .

Current solutions , including those that require human inter- vention , cannot scale and can- not keep up . Putting aside all preconceived notions about the cyber protection effectiveness of machine learning , API monitor- ing , checksums , white lists , and signature-based detection - they are not working .

We have to do it differently with unique , innovative technology . Cyemptive provides this differ- ence .

The Cyemptive Difference

Imagine a world where the threat of cyber-attacks to governments and industries are eliminated .

Imagine a unique , non-signa- ture-based technology that de- tects and removes threats and unauthorized encryption in re- al-time , inline , not depending on human-based intervention .

Our zero-trust approach and De- fense-in-Depth ( D-i-D ) architec- ture , combined with our inno- vative technology and unique solutions , fulfill this vision .

We call it The Cyemptive Dif- ference .”

Cyemptive s revolutionary Cy- berSlice ©, CyberScan , and Cy- berSLA solutions and technolo-