2021 ‘ ASTORS ’ Champion : True Security Design www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60
True Security Design
• Remote & On-Demand Po- lice Training Subscription
• Best Law Enforcement Training Solution
In 2021 True Security Design released Remote Live Training and an On-De- mand
Police Training Sub- scriptionion ser- vices to ad- dress Budget , Social
Dis- tancing and Scheduling is- sues police de- partments are facing .
With the subscriptions en- tire police agencies can train their entire staff for the cost of a single officer training , stretching scarce training dol- lars , and providing training to every officer in an agency regardless of size for the same price .
* True Security Design also had Wins in the 2019 , and 2018 ‘ ASTORS ’ Awards Program , and Lt . Joseph Pan- garo , CEO of True Security Design , was recognized in the 2020 ‘ ASTORS ’ Awards Program .
https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = uLoVjd0eNuA & t = 3s
( Addressing the entire officer is not just a good idea , it should be the focus , and this on-demand police training subscription does exactly that . Courtesy of True Security Design and YouTube .)