The Best of 2021 | Page 303

( With Maverics Identity Orchestrator™ , you ll save hundreds of hours , and millions of dollars on your upcoming project . Courtesy of Strata Identity and YouTube .)

2021 ASTORS Champion : Strata Identity www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60




Strata Identity

Maverics Identity Orches- tration Platform

Best Cloud Identity Orchestra- tion Solution

The cloud has created an identity

management crisis , with companies be- ing forced to simultane- ously manage on-premises and several different cloud provider sys-s- tems to en- force security policies .

https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = IFvEQqshmNQ

Strata s Maverics Identity Or- chestration Platform™ cre- ates an identity control plane that enables customers to en- force a global access policy at scale across multiple distributed clouds and on-premises systems .

By design , Maverics connects to any identity system , trans- parently migrates users and credentials , replicates and syn- chronizes policies and configu- rations , and abstracts authenti- cation and session management ent .

( With Maverics Identity Orchestrator™ , you ll save hundreds of hours , and millions of dollars on your upcoming project . Courtesy of Strata Identity and YouTube .)