er data , that can include geo-fenc- ing , mobile sens- ing , historical events , and trans- action risk .
www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60
Fusing data re- sults in a highly accurate , trusted identity authen- tication solution tailored to address
specific use cases reduces iden- tity fraud and lowers overall risk of loss — or loss of life .
NDP access management ser- vices integrate with popular access solution providers ' cen- tralized controllers without in- troducing a new access control platform in order to manage users and access s policies .
Scene Processing and Vid- eo Analytics
Using biometric matching in the cloud , combined with AI , edge sensors , and central- ized processing , the NDP sup- ports scene processing , face recognition , and other digital identification / computer vi- sion technologies to :
• Detect faces , crowds , hu- mans , and other animals
• Analyze anomalous behav- iors and objects — such as