www . AmericanSecurityToday . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60
Thus , NEC NSS remains the government ’ s visionary tech- nology partner : Today we pro- vide a platform that aggregates , expands , and enhances systems capabilities into a multifunc- tional digital ecosystem de- signed to support current and future Federal operations .
The NEC Digital Platform ( NDP ) is a foundational solution designed to support federal agencies as they navigate dig- ital identification / information ecosystems .
NDP positions agencies to rap- idly expand or enhance their
https :// www . youtube . com / watch ? v = jWg7atTZ _ do & feature = emb _ logo
( NEC NSS showcased several of its latest # AI and # biometric technologies , including its # digital # identity management # platform and # iris recognition capabilities , at the industry-lead- ing connect : ID 2021 conference in Washington , D . C . on October 5-6 , 2021 . Courtesy of NEC Corporation of America and YouTube .) Posted on Nov 19 , 2021 .)