https www :// vimeo . AmericanSecurityToday . com / 636166566 . com 2021 CHAMPIONS - Edition 60
( Discover a comprehensive , cost-effective approach to high-assurance identity management with the RAPIDGate ® Program by Fortior Solutions , the only contractor approved to conduct NCIC / III checks on be- half of the U . S . Government . Courtesy of Fortior Solutions and Vimeo .)
includes verification of company sponsorship , company enrollment , multi-language kiosk based regis- tration , individual biographic and biometric collection , equipment , commercial background screen- ings , DOJ / FBI NCIC / III checks
RAPID- Gate ® and RAP- ID-RCx ® pro- grams provided unparalleled perimeter con- trol at some of the most secu- rity-conscious organizations in the world including , the U . S . Army , U . S . Coast Guard , U . S . Navy , U . S . Marine Corps , and NASA among others .
* AST is delighted ed to welcome Fortior Solutions ( formerly SureID ) which was recognized in the 2016 ‘ ASTORS ’, as a New Premier Awards Sponsor in the 2021 ‘ ASTORS ’ Homeland Security Awards Program .
( Continued on Page 156 )
Learn more about the RAPIDGate Program identity access and security features .