The Belly Dance Chronicles Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec 2022 Volume 20, Issue 3 | Page 35

palace entertainment but as a part of their priestly function . Evans does not inquire further into their function , but I suspect that it is in this role , as snake-charming priestesses , that the original purpose and meaning of the figurines may be discovered .” ( Read the complete story here : http :// arthistoryresources . net / snakegoddess / discovery . html or see the image here : https :// commons . wikimedia . org / wiki / File : Snake _ goddess _ archmus _ Heraklion . jpg )
It would seem the continuing prevalence in the Near East of snake dancing inspired English Victorian era painters like Pre-Raphaelite Thomas Matthews Rooke . This watercolor was dedicated to Their Majesties King Edward the Seventh and Queen Alexandra at their 1902 coronation .
The lively pose of this Snake Dancer appeared on a trade card from the series “ National Dances ,” issued in 1889 to promote Kinney Brothers Cigarettes .
In their January 9,1884 edition , San Francisco newspaper The Daily Alta California carried an interview with snake dancer Nala Damajante , and described the “ lithe and graceful form of the Hindoo girl . She wore a loose-fitting robe of some rich red material , which was studded with silver spangles . Her features are regular and quite beautiful and her whole appearance gives one the impression of great intelligence …. When first seen by the reporter an immense boa constrictor had encircled her waist in its strong folds and with her hands she was petting an anaconda which had coiled itself on the chest where the serpent queen was sitting . The scene was at once fascinating and revolting , and for a moment the reporter was spell-bound .” He further states she “ was born in one of the French settlements of Judea , and is 24 years of age . She has spent the past seven years in giving exhibitions of her strange power over serpents in Russia , Germany , France and England . She has not been in this country very long , but she has created great excitement wherever she had appeared .” In fact , an 1885 Barnum and Bailey Circus official route book lists Nala Damajanti in the Program of Acts as “ The Heroic and Beautiful Hindoo Snake Charmer .” Afterwards it seems she went on to perform ( in the same costume ) in France : a circa 1886 promotional poster for the appearance of Nala Damajanti at the Follies Bergère has been an enduring image even to the present day .
September 2022 � The Belly Dance Chronicles 35