The Belly Dance Chronicles Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec 2022 Volume 20, Issue 3 | Page 24

Arabic Words Defining Tarab

Essential elements in creating tarab in performance

By Ma * Shuqa Mira Murjan
Learning about the concept of tarab – the creation of emotional ecstasy in the communal sharing of the masterful performance by musicians and dancers with audiences is an essential aspect of becoming a professional dancer . Furthermore , understanding the elements of the different structural characteristics of performance utilized to create tarab is the key to becoming a proficient performer who will enthrall audiences with their musicality and performance dynamic .
This article presents Arabic words that define the principles of how a dancer or musician can create tarab . The discussion includes these performance parameters : artistic skill , control , embellishment , rhythmic nuances and translation , moods and feelings from ornamentation , and performance dynamics . The proficient performer with expertise and experience creating tarab uses Sammiah to focus their listening and then engaging and being responsive to the core structure in the music and the melisma embellishments performed by the musicians .
Arabic Words Defining Creation of Tarab
Melisma = embellishment by the performer ( musician or dancer ) to the core of the melody .
Saltanah = Control or dominion = sovereign as relates to a Sultan .
Tassaruf = the practice of the artistic skill , the exercise of individual discretion applied intuitively and effectively during the performance . When interpreting musical scores - the performers add their own ornaments and melodic and rhythmic nuances . Truly a process of translating the music and creating a mood or feeling – “ Waze .”
Mizana : Rhythmic patterns , Wazn – the weight of something . Wazn = the importance of something . Embellishments to develop mizana may include the following : “ decorations of trills , glissando , matching sound dynamics :
Mazaj : Mood or feeling created from ornamentation , e . g ., adding slurs , shifting emphasis , and de-emphasis , establishes a sense of drama — a declamatory style of delivery in performance or adding subtle but expressive dynamic inflections . Personality shines when stepping away from the regular meter , adding a touch of humor , or creating a startling twist to a familiar musical pattern .
Sammiah : focused listening for the musicality and interpretation of the modality . Components creating sammiah , improvisational responsiveness can include : flashy cadences , particular interest in qaflat , gradual organic progressions ), saltanah creation ( eliciting excitation or careful listening ), modal consistency and inconsistency ( excitation through the metric drive , raised volume / dynamic power , percussiveness of movement ) flexible and novel interpretation .
24 The Belly Dance Chronicles � September 2022