The Belly Dance Chronicles Sep/Oct/Nov/Dec 2021 Volume 19, Issue 3 | Page 60

She asked why that was important . I told her it ’ s because silk is soft and floaty and billowy .
“ AHA ! You bought me because I can float and ride the air . Yet you don ’ t appreciate my surfing skills and throw me harder than you need to . Don ’ t get me wrong , I ’ m a tough girl . I won ’ t fall apart from your puny little throw .”
“ But … if I am made to catch the air , doesn ’ t it follow that I will catch all that I can and if thrown too hard , I will catch so much that I am unpredictable ? You want to catch me in your arms but I ’ m so full of air that I billow like a parachute and land on your face instead . Not quite impressive on stage , I might add .” I swear she almost snorted . She continued , “ Nor is it impressive when I am twisted or wrapped in such a way so that I cannot catch the air . Then we are both flailing on the stage .”
Now she was laughing . I asked why and she responded , “ If we are not in sync on stage , it is YOU the audience holds responsible , not me . In fact , they may feel sorry for me .” “ Look at that poor beautiful veil , all twisted and helpless .”
I pointed out that lots of the audience are dancers and know the trials of working with veils . No acknowledgment from the veil , just a small sigh as if she begrudgingly gave me a point for that argument .
“ What is it about the breathtaking veil dances that is so special ?” she demanded . Before I could answer , she said , “ The dancers dance WITH their veil . They move together . They . Are . One .”
She was right . And I must confess to spending a pitifully small amount of time with her . Got a test out coming ? Practice with the veil . Got a performance coming ? Practice with the veil . Current choreography doesn ’ t use a veil ? Fold her lovingly and nestle her in the hanging organizer where she lives with her sister and assorted hip scarves . Not the way to treat a friend .
So , I will get out the veils more often . I will dance with them just because . I won ’ t wait until I have to .
I expect to purchase many other veils during my dancing days . If I ever think I have too many , I might sell them at Marrakesh . But not these two . The silk sisters that were my first veils . I ’ m holding on to them always .
I am a major dance enthusiast and enjoy watching all types of dance . My first dance experience was high school drill team . Much later I took jazz classes for several years with other moms while our daughters were in dance class . There I met the fabulous lady who would eventually lead me to Isis and Hula class . After a year or so , I could no longer resist the siren call of belly dance and I ’ ve never looked back .
60 The Belly Dance Chronicles � September 2021