The Belly Dance Chronicles Oct/Nov/Dec 2017 Volume 15, Issue 4 | Page 34

Forgot something? Just ask! We’ve talked about a lot of bad dressing room behavior, but the vast majority of dancers in my experience are happy to help out with bobby pins, eyelash glue or any other little thing that got left behind at home. It’s good dressing room karma. I got to share my glitter lotion with one of my bellydance heroines once.... it felt grrrreat! :-) Keep your music to yourself. If you like to listen to your show music over and over before a performance, do it with headphones. You are the only one that needs to hear it. This is a biggie - right up there with our next one. It’s a DRESSING room - not a studio. The dressing area is not the place to run through your choreography. There is rarely if ever space and even if there were, it’s just not polite. As a matter of fact, it can make you look as if you’re cramming in a last-minute rehearsal and not prepared. If you must do a run through, find another area of the building or even go outside, weather permitting. Leave it clean. Check your space after you pack up. Throw away your water bottle, tissues and other trash. Wipe up any glittery messes. Imagine how pleased the tired host would be at the end of the night if everyone did that. Now imagine if no one did. It really comes down to having “Golden Rule” behavior backstage. The dressing room can be a wonderful place full of anticipation, excitement and sisterly good times. That is part of the fun of a show night. Dancing should be fun - on stage and backstage. We’re in it together, let’s act like it! Would you like to list your event? Just let us know! Standard Listings are only $5 for 5 lines (or free to subscribers) Premium Listings are $10 for 7 lines (or $5 to subscribers) Some Requirements for Listings: We currently use the font Arial with a font size of 9. The first line MUST be the date and ONLY the date. The second line MUST ONLY BE the state, followed by the city (country and city if outside the United States). Each subseque