It ’ s a No Brainer !
By Amaya
What does a four-year-old have in common with many successful and delightful dancers ? Why can you watch some performers forever and frenetic dancers make you yawn ? How come learning years of intricate choreographies haven ’ t made you a better dancer ? Many of us have lost track of why we got into the dance in the first place . Just ask that four-year-old why they dance . “’ Just cuz .” “ It ’ s fun !” or plain ole , “ Why not ?”
The idea of dance movement for organic sake has been lost . Today ’ s dance students want to learn athletic moves galore . “ Teach me the toughest stuff you ’ ve got ,” said one workshop participant . Others want a cardio workout . My response to the athletic student is go hike a mountain , take a Sweats Gym course , or take up dog sledding . You are learning a life skill not paying for an endurance run on a treadmill . Sometimes a new student wants to learn a quick dance in 4 weeks . Then she buys a cheap costume to entice her boyfriend . This dance is centuries old and not merely about sexuality . There is much more to this art form and it is mostly all internal . Our dance has always been more about feeling from the inside out and less about thinking or even doing . There is a lot of self-analysis involved in being a performer . Who are you ? What makes you unique ? How does your music make you feel ? What is your ‘ message ’? Hopefully , there will come a time when we can break through the paperwall and just dance for dance sake … just like a free-style , joyous , in-themoment four-year-old .
You ’ ve memorized your music nuances , your costume is fitted , and the show is coming up Saturday night , what ’ s next ? There comes a time that a dancer will need to park her / his brain . How does one achieve this next level and tap into the soul ? Here are some suggestions :
• Stop counting ! Listen to the phrasing within the music . Trust your body will respond to the nuances just right .
• Relax . Breathe . Smile . Laugh out loud . Have fun . Do not do Frozen Face . ( I often hum along to my music while dancing just to make sure my face stays soft and mobile .)
• Allow for a combination of fluid moves in your transitions . Our dance is not supposed to be staccato , jazz locking , or boisterous all the time . Be more like ocean waves .
• Be confident in your place on stage , in this world . Pride , Posture , Pleasure . Think all three
May 2022 � The Belly Dance Chronicles 9