After experiencing limited mobility , and adaptive movement to complete regular activities of daily living – it was always the same thought rushing through my mind . But , will I ever be the same ? Is how I feel and move today my “ new normal ”? As a health educator and from my personal healing and recovery experience , I want to share some elements of the healing and recovery process to help your healing and recovery from trauma .
Resilience , mantras , the healing process and recovery
The old adage is true : “ What we survive makes us stronger .” This is called Resilience .
Mantras can help the healing journey
Make up a mantra to repeat when you feel your fears returning . Silly as it may seem : my mantra was , “ I can ’ t believe that I have to give up my passion and what makes me happy . I won ’ t , and I ’ ll push through this difficulty . I will dance again .”
The healing journey - is a mental and physical recovery process , to return to dance . Having “ been there and done that ,” – I can offer guidance from personal experience that all will be OK and you can survive cancer .
Advice for healing and recovery with dance
My best advice for healing and recovery : 1 ) If you can , plan intensive workouts to be in top shape before a procedure . 2 ) Hydration is vital to help process drugs and chemotherapy . 3 ) Play finger cymbals focusing on musicality and rhythm analysis . 4 ) Plan to recover muscle strength and physical stamina .
Exercise oncology is a new focus for cancer recovery using a variety of physical fitness activities which are all relevant for dancers : breathing , stretching and balancing exercises extending movement range after surgery . Strength training and aerobic movement of dance can build stamina and strength .
Psychological triggers and defense mechanisms
When you sustain a severe injury or have undergone surgery to repair something , you encounter mental and physical healing hurdles . Yet , beyond this mental moment of anticipation and physical capability assessment is the recurring fear of self-doubt and depression . Unconsciously , according to Dr . Alan Goldberg , a sports psychologist who works with professional athletes and dancers , your nervous system memorizes and records every aspect of trauma to the body .
If your injury is due to an accident , your body sustains the memory of the movement , physical sensation , emotions , and thoughts you experienced when you suffered the injury . And , anything that triggers latent memories or familiar scenarios with that injury can cause a psychological impact .
For dancers , this means that you may become fearful when you approach a particular step or step sequence with a specific piece of music . Self-protective defense mechanisms start to kick in , and we can freeze and be unable to do what we could do before the injury . If we have recovered and appropriately healed our body - intellectually , we know we can do what we were able to do before the injury . Still , our bodies and mind balk at performing the same movements . Psychologically , fear creates a mental barrier to move as freely , or in a controlled manner , as previous to the injury .
Pain can freeze us
As we heal and return to dance , we can often freeze from fear when we feel pain . In general , no pain is good pain . Yet , as dancers , we know that using our bodies can cause muscle discomfort and mild pain resulting from our dance movements . Fear of re-injury can be a natural barrier to our healing and recovery progress . We have a heightened awareness of our bodies , and discomfort becomes a very scary signal after experiencing trauma . Therefore , it ’ s essential to understand and define “ normal pain ” from “ harmful pain .”
Helpful and harmful pain
As a dance coach and health educator , and also one who has personally experienced multiple episodes of healing and recovery to return to dance , I offer dancers this guide to pain during recovery . Normal pain occurs in recovery and healing due to inflammation and muscle soreness located around the injured area . Pain may also occur due to restrictions in the joint after injury recovery or surgery .
12 The Belly Dance Chronicles � May 2022