The Belly Dance Chronicles July/August/September 2016 Volume 14, Issue 3 | Page 27

Here are a few tips for achieving strong abs - and there are no sit-ups , crunches , or cross training involved . With practice , you ’ ll be able to achieve mind-bending rolls , undulations and flutters yourself .
First , let ’ s discuss undulations . There are two types : Muscular and Muscular / Skeletal . The first kind uses only the muscles of the abdomen ; a belly roll is muscular only , meaning that the bones or joints - or combinations thereof - are completely still . The second type of undulation uses muscular engagement combined with bone / joint movement , usually coming from the pelvis and ribcage . A fine example of this would be the movement most of us know as a Camel . But even though a Camel appears to be coming from the pelvis itself , it requires the interior abdominal muscles to engage in order to look really pronounced . When I perform this movement , I tighten up ( or engage ) my lower abs – and also the muscles of the pelvic floor . When I pull back with my pelvis , I release those muscles when the ( skeletal ) pelvis itself pushes forward .
The muscle predominantly used in belly rolls is the rectus abdominis , a long , strong-banded pair of vertical , parallel muscles , which run up the length of the torso . The banding in the muscles is what creates the hot “ six pack ” on guys who are super-fit . The banding creates natural sections in the muscles , which are enhanced by training . But for us belly dancers , even though the bands are present , the movements we do while dancing enhance the muscles length-wise , or vertically , so they look a little different … I like to refer to this as our chick pack .
Most of us have a very strong rectus abdominis … but only around our middle band , the one that falls at our natural waist . We often don ’ t use the parts of the muscle that are above or below that spot - and getting those areas stronger is essential for heavy-duty belly rolls .
A great way to train for rolls is to locate the muscles of your pelvic floor and tighten them up , much the same way you ’ d do a Kegel exercise . Then , pull in with the rectus abdominis as though you were zipping up a zipper all the way to the top of your rib cage . Hold it there for a moment , and then try to zip the “ zipper ” downwards again .
Flutters are a different matter entirely . My flutters are even , highly sustained and large enough to see from the back of the room - no matter what size the venue is . Contrary to what many believe , they do not come from an ability to move my abdominal muscles in and out quickly , though I could definitely do that if I wanted to ! However , if I engaged my abs by pulling them in and out super-fast , then I wouldn ’ t be able to layer belly rolls with my flutters … a signature movement that I call The Flundulation .
The main secret for crazy flutters is to keep your abdominal muscles soft , loose and relaxed , while your skeleton remains in standard dance posture - pelvis neutral with the tailbone tucked slightly towards the floor , ribcage lifted , and shoulders back and down . This sounds a lot easier than it actually is , though .
Think about it : our abdominal muscles are constantly engaged , whether we ’ re conscious of it or not . When we are in performance , our abs are always engaged - we ’ ve been trained to do that ! When we walk into a party or social gathering , we automatically pull up into a regal posture , without even thinking about it . Trying on a costume or an item in a store ’ s dressing room , we immediately suck in our stomachs .
Letting our bellies remain loose and relaxed is completely conditioned out of us by society , so it might take you a while to get the hang of keeping your skeleton engaged and your abdominal muscles soft . When I was training to do this - and I taught myself , no one showed me - I ’ d place my hands on my sides , actually hooking my fingers just under my top ribs , so I could really feel my ribcage staying lifted as I let my belly go soft . It looks kinda dorky , but try it - it works !
After you ’ ve gotten comfortable with that , it ’ s time to discover your diaphragm , which is the place of initiation for all my flutters . The diaphragm , the large , major muscle that controls our breathing , is strong and dome-shaped , sitting in the lower middle of your torso . Though we ’ re usually not aware of it , the diaphragm contracts rhythmically as we breathe in and out . But if you concentrate , you can control the diaphragm - much in the same way you do when you breathe in deeply , holding your breath before diving into water . Think of your diaphragm as an inflatable ball . It fills up as you inhale and deflates when you exhale . So you can feel it in motion , place your hand on your diaphragm and breathe slowly and deeply .
July 2016 � The Belly Dance Chronicles 27