I am working on a way to start passing on my experiences through more mentoring projects . I love helping people reach their ultimate potential . I love connecting people with other people who will foster exchange and creativity .
The pandemic and consequent shut down has brought me a big shift . After almost 20 years of touring year-round , the experience of staying in one place has caused many of us to reexamine our relationship to the dance and our community . Going forward , it is important to me to use my status and privilege to support ways to bring equality to our community . To promote and support educators from the cultures that this dance comes from . It is one of the priorities of my new platform , Aziza Online .
Aziza Online is a project I started during the lockdown . I feel that it is a culmination of bringing the journey I have had with my early experience of performing with and for Arabic , Greek , and Persian communities , teaching dance , the Oregon Country Fair , touring teaching and performing , Dreamcamp , and teaching online . This new platform is due to launch in early 2021 . It will combine mentor groups , live classes and workshops , streaming videos , community events , guest instructors , and showcases of dancers who deserve to be seen and celebrated .
As a teacher and a mentor , I believe it ’ s all about completely caring about what is best for the dancer that is right in front of you at that moment . Having complete compassion , and about what can I do to help this person be the best dancer they can be and not compare themselves to anybody else .