The Bell Nucleus 2017-2018 BN Jan 2018 Issue | Page 9
to explore space, namely hefty costs and
exist in a complex, interconnected web that
short vessel ranges. However, the work of or- not only promise to finally propel the planet
ganizations like SpaceX release the us from into the stars, but simultaneously improve
the bonds that have kept us chained to the Earthly life for all.
confines of this planet for so long. For in-
Humanity stands at a cross-roads. On
stance, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket promises to the one hand, humanity could keep its eyes
turn rockets from extravagant one-time in- on the ground and continue treading the well
vestments to relatively affordable ventures. -worn path down on Earth and risk annihila-
The electromagnetic drive stands in position tion. On the other hand, we as a species could
to reduce space travel intervals to a fraction raise our heads to the stars and allow our
of their current standings. Meanwhile, pri- wonder and entrepreneurial nature to propel
vate mining companies stand in position to us into an improved present and a wondrous
develop an entirely novel economy that future of opportunity. In order to do so, we
would create jobs, new wealth, and reduce simply have to recognize the following: the
the price of electronics for consumers world- stars are not just our future; they are our pre-
wide. All the developments and innovations
JANUARY 2018 |