The Bell Nucleus 2017-2018 BN Jan 2018 Issue | Page 18

Dr. Harold G. White has said that “the humans could jump to colonize the rest of the fast...transits that [EM drive] could enable solar system and beyond. Thus, humanity would be revolutionary,” and indeed they could ensure survival of the species. would, for an EM drive-powered rocket would be able to navigate the cosmos without fuel, Harnessing the power of the EM drive would be tremendously beneficial for the peo- and the many thousands of billions of dollars ple of Earth. There is, however, a rather sig- that would normally be invested in fuel and nificant issue: the current explanation behind its storage would be reduced significantly. In the drive’s thrust breaks the Law of Conserva- addition, rockets would be able to reach oth- tion of Momentum. The Laws are unbreaka- erwise unfeasible speeds, and interplanetary ble; if any of the Laws are disproved, then our travel would suddenly become a lot less understanding of the workings of the universe farfetched of a prospect. First, humans could would be false. Because of the drive’s law- set up shop on the moon. Then, astronauts breaking nature, it should be impossible. Yet, could reach Mars in less than half a year and both NASA and Eagle Works have performed start the colonization process. Shortly after, rigorous tests that have shown the drive to 18 | THE BELL NUCLEUS