The Bell Nucleus 2017-2018 BN Jan 2018 Issue | Page 15

leased by SpaceX, a system like the Fal- landing sight. Grid fins guide the rocket con 9 could be implemented to both as it plummets towards earth to provide launch and refuel a vessel that would be stability, and cold-gas thrusters flip the travelling much greater distances, for in- rockets to fall thruster-side down for stance to Mars. landing. As the Falcon 9 approaches the The entry of innovative minds like landing site, its thrusters activate to slow Elon Musk into the space travel industry the vessel down and ease to a halt, with only serves to advance the possibilities of carbon fiber landing legs propping up the humanity furthering its reach into space, rocket. one rocket at a time. SpaceX’s innovation has long-term benefits. By designing a rocket capable of reentry to earth, space travel can save millions of dollars while also allowing the opportunity for an interplanetary transport system. In a simulation re- JANUARY 2018 | 15 and land onto a launchpad or orbital