The Beauty Battalion - Featuring Beauty In All Shapes & Sizes January 2017 | Page 24



“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean

Cover story 24

I think when people meet me, they are curious but they don't associate me to my resume. It's interesting to watch the transformation when they discover who I am and what I do. Up to that point, I'm just another face in the room. I don't think people really remember what we did or said, they remember how we made them feel. I always hope that the people I meet go back to their lives and their families feeling empowered.

I met Missy on a photoshoot over the summer and immediately felt a connection to her. This was a woman who is beautiful and powerful, ever more than she knows. There are so many people in this world screaming for help. Drowning under the weight of “perfection.” After hearing about her vision for the Beauty Battalion, I know it was something I wanted to be involved with.

Working with the Beauty Battalion was extraordinary because it reminded me that while I have physical beauty, I also have an honest, giving heart, and so much left to give the world. My trials and failures have transformed my life, but they only define me in the way I allow them too. Life can bring out our worst or it can empower us to become stronger individuals. The choice is always ours.
