the BEACON Newspaper, Indiana beacon12-18 | Page 9

December 2018 S THE BEACON ALUTE TO THE MILITARY Five World War II Veterans made the trip: Frank Savage (97), Bob Savage (94), Bobby Lischkge (92), Bush White (93), and George Klopp (92). By Paul Gentrup Fifty veterans traveled by bus to Indianapolis to visit the War Memorial. The bus was chartered with the help of Justin Moore. The trip was financed by the Korean War Veterans Association Chapter 4 in Aurora and its Command- er Elvin Newmann. They also paid for supper for the veter- ans. Everybody had a great time and the veterans really enjoyed getting together with each other. Many on the trip also serve with local Color Guards. The War Memorial is a beautiful place. Indiana should be proud of this gem. The veterans went out on the plaza and visited the Vietnam War Memorial where the names of those from Indiana who died in Vietnam are engraved. On one area is an engraving of a portion of a letter from Lary D. Fogle that he wrote to his dad before he went to Viet- nam. The letter reads: Fort Gordon, GA 1965 Dear Dad, Pop, if I do go into combat, I intend on doing my job to Page 9A the best of my ability. How- ever, I don’t intend on being a Hero. I might be wrong but in my way of thinking, the only Heroes there are, are the men who get killed in the process of doing their job. Love always, Lary Lary D. Fogle Killed in Action Dec. 20, 1965 Lary was a classmate of mine at Lawrenceburg Con- solidated High School, and I will never forget him. Lary’s sister, Terrie, and her daughter, April Lutterbeck, were on the trip and had never been to this monument to see the engraved letter. Just a few years ago, they went to Washington, DC with their brother, Tommy, who is now deceased, to see Lary’s name on the WALL for the first time. While in Indianapolis, the veterans also visited the Korean War Memorial and the World War II Memorial located on the plaza in front of the War Memorial. Inside is a section dedicated to Indiana’s only living recipi- ent of the Medal of Honor, SFC Sammy Davis. Sammy has visited Southeastern Indiana several times helping with events and visiting area schools. During their travels, the vet- erans stopped at the National Guard Armory in Shelbyville to see the helicopters. Several Black Hawk Helicopters are at the facility. Major Scott Oden and SFC Steve Caldwell were very gracious hosts. They made the veterans feel very welcome as they ex- plained their operations and the story of the Black Hawks. Some new choppers had just been received, the estimated cost of each one being be- tween $13-15 million dollars, depending on the equipment. All of the veterans were in awe of these magnificent fly- ing machines and what they can do. Five World War II Veterans made the trip: Frank Savage (97), Bob Savage (94), Bobby Lischkge (92), Bush White (93), and George Klopp (92). Bobby Lischkge jumped right up on the step and sat in the seat of the Black Hawk easier than most. It’s just a great day when you get to visit with these members of the Greatest Generation. The veterans also toured an old Huey Helicopter from the Vietnam War. Jerry Eckerle was a crew chief who rode in and worked on many Huey helicopters in Vietnam. He was excited to see one up close again. County Receives Flag Donation An American Flag was presented to the Dearborn County Commissioners by Camp Resolute Support Command Sergeant Major Troy D. Craft. The donated flag is the actual flag being raised in the photo above. This flag flew over Kabul, Afghanistan on September 11, 2017. Sergeant Major Craft, a native of Dearborn County, resides in Greendale. He was at the ceremony when the flag was raised and is honored to donate it to the Commissioners where it can be displayed and honored. Wilbur Frank Rolfes Wilbur Rolfes was born on Sept. 16, 1918. Mr. Rolfes just celebrated his 100th birthday. He was drafted into the U.S. Army on Dec. 14, 1942 and was trained as a medic and surgical technician to the Medical Detachment, 394th Wilber Rolfes Infantry of the 99th Infantry at Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi. He arrived in the European Theater in October 1943 and was wounded in action in Belgium at the Battle of the Bulge on Jan. 13, 1944 while attending to fellow wounded soldiers. On Dec. 18, 1944 he was listed as missing in action for a brief period. Mr. Rolfes’ rank was Technician Fourth Grade. Mr. Rolfes was awarded the Purple Heart, Army Good Conduct Medal, European- African Middle Eastern Campaign (EAME) Medal, American Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal and the Ruptured Duck (Hon- orable Discharge) pin. As a World War II Veteran, member of America’s Great- est Generation, a combat wounded warrior and Purple Heart Recipient, he has prov- en himself as a true Ameri- can hero. He exemplifies the words: Duty-Honor-Country. He is an American Treasure. Mr. Rolfes resides in Bright. Downtown Lawrenceburg’s Ice Rink Opening Early This Year! Saturday – November 10 12:00 Noon Winter Wonderland Ice Rink Opens ... Todd Creech Park, Tate Street; “Luau on Ice” Beach Theme at the Rink 12-9PM Friday – November 23 6:00-10:00 Special Teen Night with DJ for Grades 6 – 12 ... at the Ice Rink Saturday – November 24 11:00-1:00 Small Business Saturday - Downtown Merchants Cookie Walk Shop Small Sunday – November 25 2:00-4:00 Dearborn County Historical Society ... “Christmas in the Country” including Crafts, Cookies & Photos with Santa at the Angevine Cabin & Vance Tousey House 4:30 Mayor’s Reception ... at the Lawrenceburg Event Center 4:30-5:45 Cincinnati Brass Band ... at the Lawrenceburg Event Center 6:00 Official Tree Lighting Ceremony ... at the Levee along with Tiger Pizzazz Saturday – December 1 9:00 Breakfast with Santa ... Ticket Required - Lawrenceburg Community Center 11:00-3:00 Library Activities ... Crafts, Cookie Sale, Holiday Performances, Santa and Live Reindeer 11:00-2:00 Children’s Activities at City Hall Parking Lot ... Train, Caricature Artist, Ice Carvers and More 11:00-2:00 Southeastern Indiana Art Guild ... Artwork, Face-painting, Cards and Bake Sale 12:30 Winter Wonderland Parade and PAWS Pet Parade 1:00 Santa and Mrs. Claus Arrive 1:15 Big Prize Giveaway 5:00-8:00 Downtown Merchant Open Houses Ice Skating Rink OPENS EARLY! Nov. 10 - Jan. 6, 2019 Located at Todd Creech Park, Tate St. Tuesday - Thursday: 4-8PM Friday: 4-9PM** Saturday: 12-9PM Sunday: 12-8PM Closed Mondays ---------- Thanksgiving Day - Closed Christmas Break Schedule Hours: December 22 – January 6: 12-9PM Christmas Eve: 12-3PM New Years Eve: 12-6PM Closed Christmas Day **Except for Teen Nights (rink closed to public during hours below): Friday, November 23 Grades 6 to 12 / 6:00 to 10:00PM Saturday – December 8 3:00-5:00 Santa and Mrs. Claus Visit the Ice Rink ... Photo Ops Available Downtown Lawrenceburg Snowman Contest: Nov.24 – Dec. 20. Vote for your favorite Snowman, each decorated by Downtown Merchants and Local Organizations! Ballots available at the Lawrenceburg Main Street office. For more information contact: Lawrenceburg Main Street 812-537-4507 or go to: SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw their ads in The BEACON!