January 2019
Page 3A
Port Property Agreement Extended
Continued from page 1A
focused on repositioning
efforts at the site, including
demolition and environmen-
tal remediation planning.
Environmental remedia-
tion activities included the
abatement and removal of
asbestos-containing materi-
als, the removal of universal
waste, and the closure of the
site’s former coal combustion
residual complexes.
Both the Ports of Indiana
and Tanners Creek Develop-
ment, LLC are private entities
that are self-funded. No tax
dollars from the state or local
governments are provided to
the Ports of Indiana. All of the
port revenue will be reinvest-
ed into infrastructure.
Three ports are currently
located in Indiana- Jeffer-
sonville, Mount Vernon, and
Burns Harbor/Portage. The
operation of these three ports
facilitates nearly 60,000 jobs
in our community. Revenue
from these ports is estimated
to be over $7.8 billion per
year for the state economy.
The ports in Indiana have
proven to have a significant
economic impact on the state
and local communities. Busi-
nesses generated from a port
includes cargo and industrial
facilities that handle coal/
coke, fertilizer, grain, lime-
stone, soybean products, steel
materials, cement, and other
cargo. During the first half of
2018, the three Indiana ports
This month's item is still used today and serves an
important purpose.
What is it?
Last month’s item was a clothes wringer washer. The
hand crank wringer squeezed the water out of the clothes.
“This month’s item really looks like what my
Grandmother, Katherine Gompf,
attached to her wash tub in the
1940’s, a clothes wringer. She
used it before hanging them on a
clothesline,” said Mike Patterson,
Richard Cutter of Lawrenceburg,
shared, “It looks like an item my
Last month: a
great grandmother had in her
clothes wringer
basement that she called a hand
crank clothes wringer that she
clamped to a two by four laid over
her washtub.”
Readers who correctly identified the item include Tom
O’Neil, Manchester; Robert Chambers Sr., West Harrison;
Ed Oehlman, Brookville; Jan Leugers, West Harrison;
“This month’s item is a clothes hand wringer that
attaches to a stand between two wash tubs. I have one, and
I used it back in the 1940’s,” submitted Harriet Mellott,
This month’s challenge is quite interesting. Even if you
don’t know what the gadget is, you will find the answer
surprising. (Hint: the quarter is only shown for scale. It is
NOT a part of the answer!) Please e-mail your guesses to
[email protected] by Friday, Dec. 21. Good
sponsored by Cornerstone Realty/Lutz Auction Services
reported that they are on track
to beat the record-breaking
shipping year that they had in
2017. The Mount Vernon port
located along the Ohio River
had more cargo during the
first half of 2018 than any port
in US history.
The port in Evansville
reported that approximately
4.7 million tons of cargo were
handled during the first half
of 2018- a thirty-six percent
increase from the same time
last year.
The Lawrenceburg site for
the port offers major support
systems for the potential port.
Its location in Lawrenceburg
is at the intersection of three
Midwest states: Kentucky,
Ohio, and Indiana. The site is
located within close proxim-
ity to major hub cities includ-
ing Cincinnati, Columbus,
Dayton, Indianapolis, and
Louisville. The transporting
of commodities to the site
can easily be done by barge,
rail, or truck. Storage and
manufacturing sites for facili-
ties are also readily available
or already existing in the
The potential port in Law-
renceburg will be the fourth
in the state and the first to be
opened since 1985.
State Grant Saves Millions on Roads for Taxpayers
Continued from page 1A
match. All local governments
who applied for the grant
were required to provide an
approved asset management
plan for providing matching
Funds from the Community
Crossings Matching Grant
Program can be used for local
road or bridge projects. These
can include bridge preserva-
tion projects, road reconstruc-
tion, and small structure re-
placements. Material costs for
chip sealing and crack filling
operations are also eligible
for funding. ADA sidewalk
and ramp work are eligible so
long as the work for the road
project tied to those ramps
and sidewalks is a minimum
of a mill and overlay. Milling
and overlaying is the process
of grinding asphalt with a
milling machine, removing
the debris, and installing new
asphalt. The overlay must be a
minimum of 1 1 / 2 inches.
Local governments who
perform their own work, such
as chip sealing and crack seal-
ing, can receive funds for ma-
terials. Labor and equipment
costs are not eligible. Road
and bridge projects submitted
must be included and a part of
the local government’s com-
plete asset management plan.
The Community Crossings
Matching Grant Program is
exceptionally beneficial. State
Rep. Randy Frye said, “Re-
ceiving these grants will allow
local governments to make
much-needed repairs and
improvements to our transpor-
tation infrastructure.”
Dearborn County Council
President Liz Morris stated,
“Dearborn County govern-
ment is extremely excited
to receive a generous grant
again this year during the
Community Crossings phase
of grant recipients. The
county has greatly improved
by being able to double our
money with that match. We
are grateful to the Governor,
the General Assembly, and to
INDOT for making it possible
for Dearborn County to be
able to make these improve-
ments for our citizens. We
have been very successful
with this grant program, and it
has been a tremendous benefit
to the county.”
Awarded funds must be
spent on the specified proj-
ects. No change of location or
scope are allowed.
Since 2016, INDOT has
awarded $300 million in state
funds to support local road
and bridge projects around the
INDOT will begin to issue
a call for these projects twice
a year after the August call.
The call for projects will be
issued every January and July.
A local unit of government
will be capped at one mil-
lion dollars per calendar year
starting in 2019. All county
and local government entities
will be eligible for both calls
next year.
Merry Christmas!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and
a happy new year. When the season is right
for you to make a real estate move, be sure
to call The Maddin Team!
The Maddin
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