The Beacon 2019 Issue 4 The Beacon 2019 Issue 4 | Page 3
Dear Friends,
Welcome to this edition of the Beacon! I look forward
to sharing some of the highlights from the last several
months with all of you that have supported us with your
love, time and financial gifts.
At dinner the other night, my husband Jerry referenced
Philippians 4:8 in regards to the Little Light House, and
it made me think of not only our incredible students,
but also of you, our incredible supporters.
Philippians 4:8
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is
honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything
is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things.”
“Whatever is true” The truth is that God highly values
and loves these children with special needs (I Cor.
“Whatever is honorable” It is an honor to help our
students thrive and an honor to see our Staff, volunteers
and community donors all playing such a significant
role in this wonderful venture.
“Whatever is right” It is right in God’s eyes to invest
in these children. He has a good plan for them, and for you and me, a plan filled with love, growth and more of Him!
“Whatever is pure” These precious children we serve are pure. They come with various needs, but their hearts and
spirits are pure. There is no guile. They know how to love, and they are certainly loved in return.
“Whatever is lovely” The Little Light House staff is lovely! The love is seen so easily on their faces as they help the
students in their tasks, and it is beautiful to see their love returned by the children!
“Whatever is admirable” You, our contributors, are admirable. We so appreciate YOU! Whether you are a volunteer or
a donor, your gift of time and money is going to an admirable, worthy cause, and we strive to always value the gifts you
lavish on us.
“If anything is excellent or praiseworthy” We strive for excellence in our services and the way we continually pursue
best practices in all of our departments. Each year we train hundreds of college and university students, travel around
the world to provide hand-on training to people working with individuals with special needs, welcome thousands of
volunteers to our Tulsa campus, and host international delegates from across the globe all while shifting paradigms
toward the inclusion of those with specials needs and maintaining organizational transparency and peak financial ratings
on Guidestar and Charity Navigator! Now that is praiseworthy!
on Guidestar and Charity Navigator! Now that is praiseworthy!
As you read these stories we hope you know what a huge role you play in what is true, honorable, right, lovely,
admirable, excellence, and praiseworthy at LLH. These stories happen because of you and we are so excited to share
them with you!
them with you!
Thank you,
Little Light House Executive Director
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