The Baseball Observer May-June 2016 vol 7 | Page 21


getting stronger as the workout progresses.

Turn on some rowdy music, and remind yourself that you’re a wolf, not a sheep, and you’re capable of anything. Amp yourself up with some intense breathing and power movements before jumping into your main exercise for the day, and don’t forget that your brain believes what you say out loud, so only speak to yourself and others in a positive uplifting way.

If you find these techniques to be helpful on the day when you’re feeling just so-so, you’ll be amazed at what a difference they can make on a day you’re feeling unstoppable.

Remember, true strength isn’t just physical. Make the brain your servant, and realize your potential.

About The Author

Nate Palmer has an old-school, strength-first philosophy that he applies

to himself and his clients, and he believes that getting stronger, both

mental and physical, will cause a trickle-down effect into the rest of

your life that will provide unbelievable benefits. Nate is a husband,

coach, writer, and adventurer, and spends his time coaching clients

online, jumping off of high things, and writing on his blog, N8 Training


Nate is an internationally recognized coach, speaker, and writer, whose

work has been popularized in media outlets such as Testosterone

Nation, Breaking Muscle, STACK Media, and The Personal Trainer

Development Center, just to name a few.

Nate is the owner of N8 Training Systems, an online fitness platform geared toward synergizing the best of evidence based training principles and behavior science, to create results for life.

Hardcore Strength From the Fitness Industry's Physical Therapist