The Baseball Observer May 2015 vol 3 | Page 20


Not only is the reverse lunge an effective movement to build strong quads, it also utilizes the role of the posterior chain (hamstrings and glutes) as dynamic stabilizers. Relearning how to dynamically stabilize your hips while the knee moves through a range can drastically reduce unwanted torsional forces at the knees. Utilizing a slight hip hinge (torso facing slightly towards the ground) can also reduce shear forces at the knees bilaterally. Stay smooth and own your position throughout the movement!


SETS: 3-5

REPS: 6-8

RHYTHM: 10x1

REST: 60-75 seconds (after both sides are completed)


In this movement, we are shifting the focus to eccentrically (tension while lengthening) strengthen the hamstrings. Due to the primary mechanism of action of the entire hamstring group, stronger hamstrings equates to less strain through the cruciate ligaments (ACL/PCL). Keeping a stable core position, controlling the descent of the motion, and dynamically bringing your body back into a neutral position will enhance your single leg balance while also strengthening your entire posterior chain!