SEQUENCING (SEE-kwen-sing)
Surprisingly, you participate in sequencing everyday. All day. ALL YEAR! If there's something you do in a specific order, then you are doing something in SEQUENCE. (SEE-kwens)
Like drawing Flap Jack here. If you start in at the top and work your way down, slowly Flap Jack will take form! Don't skip ahead, or you might get confused. What we try to do when we break
is make them easier to understand or complete.
think about it!
Your mom comes into your room and
gives you a list of things to do before
your birthday. "take out the trash" is on the list 128 times. So is "walk the dog", "wash the dishes", and "dust dining room furniture". As you can guess, this is a pretty long list! How will you finish in time! If you put the list in a SEQUECE however, you'd see that you will take out the trash, walk the dog, and wash the dishes, and dust the dining room only once a day!