Over the course of this summer,
students traveled all across the
world. From deep East Texas, to
the mountain ranges of South and
Central America, to the grand
cities of New York and Los
Angeles here in the United States,
our classmates have made
unbelievable impacts on both their
own lives and the lives of others.
For a young adult, seeing and
experiencing different cultures,
regions, and wildlife is one of the
I went to a restaurant out by the
harbor that had fresh seafood. I
ordered a lobster roll and it was
the most scrumptious thing I have
ever had in my life.
- Carson Weaver 11
greatest assets attainable.
Whether buying fruit from a third
world country vendor in Nicaragua
or purchasing a lobster roll from a
renowned restaurant after a Red
Sox game, Carson Weaver 11 said I
went to a restaurant out by the
harbor that had fresh seafood. I
ordered a lobster roll and it was
the most scrumptious thing I have
ever had in my life. Things like
food are just one new experience
on a planet full of wonders.
On a mission...
Over the summer these four students attended a
mission trip in mountains of Nicaragua where they
worked at the Children s Church and helped little kids
in need.
5 Raylee White 10 said that hardest thing about her
summer was having to leave all the children.
6 Ella Shofner 9 said that they
helped clothe the
children and provide for them.
7 Hunter McGraw 11 says that he
off the street.
8 Kylee Dominy 12 says she will
bought a cantaloupe
come back next year.
Student Life