The Banda Alumni Magazine | Page 26

Left: Marion Osunga (nee Mulwa) joined The Banda in 2007 for her

first 6 year stint. A long time

member of the Junior School (now Lower School), Marion taught Year

3. She met Jo, a member of The

Banda staff and they married in

2013. We welcome Marion back

to The Banda teaching Year 1.

Right: Jo Osunga joined The Banda in 2006 for 7 years. Having met Marion they took up teaching opportunities in Tanzania.

Katie Thwaites

Banda years: 1990 - 94

Katie returns after 24 years teaching English in the UK.

She is delighted to be back and says she can't remember if she had not noticed the beautiful flowers or they simply were not there in her time. Her daughter Sophie joins Year 3.

Katie shares a second team Rounders photograph from 1991, along with their coach, today's Headmistress! View this on the penultimate page.