The Banda Alumni Magazine | Page 13

narrator and Jessica Viljoen as the spunky girl child)

and a whole lot more classroom kids in the chorus.

But to be honest, what’s even more remarkable

about this show is the fact that

the cast had just one week of every-day

rehearsals before they came on stage!

Hard to believe although Withall

did give her cast the script at

least a month before so they had

time to learn their lines. Otherwise,

it was remarkable the way everything

fell into place, including the special effects,

as when the merciless Miss Trenchbull (who

frankly starred for ‘her’ comedic cruelty) hurled

one student out the window but handily

replaced the naughty boy with a life-size

doll that ‘she’ actually threw away. Fortunately

for Matilda, she finds understanding

kindness from her teacher, Miss Honey

(Molly Carroll) and her school librarian, Mrs Phelps.

A job well done, Banda. A job well done!

Matilda made a splash in Nairobi this past weekend at The Banda School for one night only, and rehearsals to performance were one week! Remarkable.