The Banda Alumni Magazine | Page 2



Since our second issue The Alumni Team have taken calls and emails from you, our now over 700 readers. Without exception your messages tell us how much you enjoy the magazine. Feedback such as this means so much to us all.

In this issue we have included rugby and aquatic memories as well as aiming to name every Head Boy and Head Girl. (The out-going Head Boy and Girl of 2015-16 are portrayed above.) We hope you enjoy a couple more class photos, a staff photograph and some House spirit - all captured in pictures.

Once again, I report The Banda today is as busy as ever. The pupil roll for September stands at 400+ with a notable expansion in our Lower School. The quality of our teaching staff remains undiminshed allowing pupils to excel in all areas; opportunities in music, art, drama, and sports continues to offer balance and breadth.

Keep sharing

your memories!

Ali Francombe
