The Banda Alumni Magazine | Page 3

The Banda Alumni | Issue 12 | 3

Welcome from the Editor 2023 - The School Grounds saw super dry conditions in January and heavy rains in April Dear Alumni ,

It has been too long since our last edition which simply fell ( or should I say sank !) to the bottom of the To Do List when we were teaching online . However , we are back and thought this edition would benefit from sharing memories of the past three years Head boy and girl and the amazing gifts that the outgoing Year 8s and their parents bestowed upon the School during that period . We have included some photographs across the ages of our outgoing Head Ali Francombe whose total service has amounted to 20 years ( I say ‘ to date ’ as Ali has left and returned at least six times !). We are delighted to put a face to the name of our incoming Head , James Moss-Gibbons .
The school is very healthy with 450 + pupils in school and to provide you with a snap shot of the diversity we popped in an interactive social piece entitled : ‘ Our Family Photo ’ which I hope you will agree captures the spirit and charm of our school community . In fact this Alumni magazine is much more interactive as we share some incredible achievements and tales covering everything from Royalty to ( daring ) Rescues .
We appreciate and continue to request contributions : from your photographs ( if sent digitally , high resolution please ) and stories or your help identifying pupils and years - see page 10 in this edition .
As ever , it is lovely to see you if you are in Nairobi and we congratulate former member of staff David Waters who organised a Banda staff reunion with approximately 30 teachers who made the trip to Kenya in October 2022 .
My very best wishes , Karen Morey

After The Banda

Join The Alumni

We are keen to hear your memories . Please help us connect with you by filling the online questionnaire ( or by scanning the QR code ) and a member of the Alumni Team will be in touch .
Thank you .