The Banda Alumni Magazine | Page 29

The Banda Alumni | Issue 12 | 29
We said goodbye to ‘ our Queen ’, Ali Francombe , sharing a few photographs of her over the ‘ ages ’.

we welcome

James Moss-Gibbons incoming Head , September 2023

Having grown up in an independent school in the UK , James read Geography at Oxford University , before going on to teach at three leading prep schools where he held a variety of leadership roles . James and his family moved to Kenya in September 2020 , where he took up a Deputy Head role at Kenton College . His wife , Michelle , is also a teacher and he has two daughters , Emma and Sophie .
Whilst being fully committed to his job , James also firmly believes in a healthy work-life balance and in his free time he loves travelling – his family have already relished their adventures in Kenya so far . Sport , especially cricket , is also a particular passion , and he is also equally happy to be engrossed in a good book or a crossword . James is well known in the community and has settled in very quickly .