The Banda Alumni Magazine | Page 7

Autobiographical memories

“Linda Gümoes, of course.”

“I have very fond memories from the Banda, and am delighted to see that  Linda  is still teaching there! She was an inspirational English teacher for me.”

- Lewis Dartnell 

“...always admired Ms Gümoes’ intellect and stamina.”

– Christina Morgan

“I was slightly scared of Miss Gümoes, but I always knew she was right and wanted the best for us all. I used to hide in the loos when Ms Gümoes said “boys were needed for tap” and I got busted once…(not embarrassing at all…)” – Ragheb Aga

“Miss Gümoes – I was her favourite French student.” – Rakhee Kantaria

“I remember history lessons with Miss Gümoes…learning about the monsoons…loved it!” – Tana Pike

“By far the funniest memory was when we were in French with Miss Gümoes and my friend Krista tried to throw a sweet at me and it accidentally went out the window and hit Mr Fox on the head and we couldn’t stop laughing, but we were severely told off.” - Joey Lord

“Scottish dancing with Miss Gümoes.” – Serena Selby

“Scottish dancing!” – Jeanette Elsworth

“Miss Gumoes and Scottish dancing” – Naida Meghji

“…and of course who can forget Miss Gumoes.” – Rahim Virani

“learning English with Miss Gumoes” – Soraiya Verjee

“Miss Gumoes – Scottish and highland dancing.” – Fazilah Khalfan

“being terrified of Miss Gumoes…” Saira Chaudry

“doing a spice project.” – Davina LAnigan-O’Keeffe

“loved all the dance lessons, tap/highland with Miss Gumoes.” – Julia Darker

“Scottish dancing (I have actually used that skill from time to time so thank you Ms Gumoes.” – Caitlin Dean

“Scottish dancing!” – Jeanette Elsworth

“Scottish dancing with Miss Gumoes and all the dance displays.” – Katie Keith

“compulsory dance classes!” Kanvaldeep Mehta

“Scottish dancing.” – Natasha Tundo

“Fun, fun, fun – dancing with Sheila Barker and Ms Gumoes” – Sian Austen-Brown

“Tap dancing classes with Ms Gumoes in the big Hall.” – Rania Barakat

“My favourite teacher was Ms Gumoes and I enjoyed all my classes with her! – Keval Kantaria

“Linda Gumoes, of course…” – Jessica Dance

“My first memory of Banda was picking my older brother Justin up from school and witnessing a kid getting a rollicking from one of the teachers. Yep it was Gumoes for sure. Feared her for the whole of my Banda days.” – James Farrar

“Scottish dancing, ballet and tap.” – Kari Challen

“sugar-overloading at one of Miss Gumoes Cookery Competitions” – Davina Leonard

“teacher who went above and beyond Miss Gumoes…” – Sian Turner

“Ms Gumoes and ballet,” – Soraya Pugh

“loved the cooking competition Ms Gumoes always did an excellent job in organising.” – Celine Thompson

“Scottish dancing.” – Tisi Hausrath

“I can still do cross stitch.” – Michelle Shepherd

“Folk dancing with Ma Gumoes.” – Jackie Batcup

“A shout out to Ms Gumoes.” – Lindsay Watling