The Banda Alumni Magazine | Page 5


Linda Gümoes

1958 - 2018

With the passing of Miss Linda Gümoes, a whole stream of wonderful memories and kind words were sent our way from a vast array of her former pupils. A number of common threads emerged from these recounts, with Linda’s Scottish dancing lessons appearing to be the most enduring memory for many. There were also references to the wonderful cookery competition she ran, her ballet lessons, and of course the Year 5 Spice Project – both loved and loathed by pupils and parents! Woven within these memories was a nostalgic fondness and affection for their former teacher.

Amongst staff at The Banda, Linda will be remembered for her diverse strengths and her ability to teach such an impressive range of subjects; her assertive discipline which ensured that the children in her care knew exactly where they stood; and her pedantic proof reading of reports – we all dreaded the circles in red pen around our spelling and punctuation errors! We have all been in awe over the years of Linda’s almighty memory – whenever in doubt of a former pupil’s name she could always be relied upon to remember.

Linda gave 44 years of her life to The Banda School. In a world of high turnover and quick career progression this is extremely unusual. In the words of a former pupil, Miss Gümoes was a teacher “who went above and beyond.” She will indeed be a firm part of Banda’s history forever more.

Some memories from Linda's influence follow...