The Azerothian Issue Two | Page 3

Note from the Editor

I must admit I was a little worried when I released issue one; it’s always a bit of a scary thing putting yourself out there.

I didn’t know how well the magazine and the content would be received; I kept looking at twitter for days to see the feedback.

I was really grateful for the comments that were received and just goes to proving the point that the WoW community is amazing!

I just wanted to make a point of saying thank you to those that contributed, retweeted and commented about the magazine – it really does mean a lot!

I wanted to make a point as to who the magazine was for….

The truth is it is for anyone really, well anyone that has an interested in World of Warcraft. The problem with creating something that is aimed at everyone, is finding a nice balance of information that caters for everyone’s needs.

This is one reason why I love it when people are willing to contribute, as they can provide content on subjects that I know very little about :)

With the magazine, I don’t think you will find every single of page to be a benefit for you. Some of the articles may cater for those that are new to the game, where as others bits might be suitable for more seasoned players.

There will also be sections on different parts of the game that you may not play IE PvP or even Pet Battles.

I hope there is however some bits of content that you enjoy, if you have any suggestions please don’t hesitate to email me.

Dont forget you can also contribute to the magazine by emailing or tweeting me! :)

Email: [email protected]