Talk to the people who left, and find out why. Look beyond the criticisms of zones or playstyle experiments, and understand why people stopped liking the game and why people still do.
Read guides on being a GM, or playing the class you want to take up, before you even download the experience. Most importantly of all, don't accept the first Guild invite you are given, make the choice of where you are guilded as one of THE most significant choices you will ever make.
Ideally, ask your returning player friend to make a Guild with you, and maybe a couple of friends that they know so you can ask your mate who was keen to play. Start from scratch, start again, and see what new things the game has to teach you, because I can guarantee that even now, you will be surprised.
Living inside a game is never healthy. Living life with blinkers on is possible, but never ideal. It's your life, and you've only got one, and therefore what you do here really does matter a great deal.
That means if you want to play, you need to give something extra: it won't mean you have to stay glued to a screen, but if you enjoy it then the odd time that you do is perfectly acceptable.
. If things stop being fun, don't just assume that the game is to blame, because I guarantee that's never going to be the case, though I doubt I'd convince you otherwise, because sometimes its easier to blame the virtual world than it is to do that to yourself.
If you've never played, or are thinking of returning to the game... or maybe if you're thinking of leaving, remember that Warcraft is only part of a larger equation that involves you at its heart.
For things to work therefore, you have to want them to, and no post I'd ever make will ever truly convince you of that. In fact, most people gave up reading after my first four lines, so for them, I'll sum up my argument for them in three.
If your heart isn't in playing Warcraft, you won't ever really enjoy it. Decide to immerse yourself in the experience, and there is something for everyone. You just have to find your place: remember to take a friend along. In fact, take as many as you can.
[*] If downloaded, use your imagination.
Written By: The Godmother (@AlternativeChat)