The Atlanta Lawyer September/October 2021 Vol. 20, No. 2 | Page 34



The Bankruptcy Section set the Summer off with its End of Summer Happy Hour on September 2 , 2021 . The event was held at Dr . Scofflaw ’ s Brewing in the Upper Westside ’ s newest development , The Works , and was attended by over 30 section members . The attendees enjoyed the opportunity to mingle with fellow members as well as the wonderful food and drinks . Thank you to everyone who joined us for these events !
On October 2 , 2021 , Bankruptcy Section members gathered for a fun socially distanced community service event to clean up the shores of / land around the Chattahoochee River .
Save the Date Please save the date for the following events .
• October 14 , 2021 - 12 p . m . to 1 p . m . - Collateral Estoppel Issues CLE which will be a virtual lunch and learn and will focus on the recent 11th Circuit case of In re Harris , No . 19- 11286 , 2021 WL 2946295 ( 11th Cir . July 14 , 2021 ), and related issues of Georgia and federal preclusion law .
Board of Directors The Officers and Board members for the 2021-2022 year are : Chair Gregory M . Taube ( Nelson Mullins ), Vice-Chair Doroteya N . Wozniak ( James Bates Brannan Groover LLP ), Secretary Alexandra “ CC ” Schnapp ( U . S . Bankruptcy Court , Law Clerk to Chief Bankruptcy Judge Wendy L . Hagenau ), Treasurer Taylor S . Mansell ( Office of Melissa J . Davey , Chapter 13 Trustee ), Immediate Past Chair Bruce Z . Walker ( Cohen Pollock Merlin Turner ); and Members-at-Large Bryan E . Bates ( Parker Hudson Rainer & Dobbs LLP ), Ashley D . Champion ( U . S . Bankruptcy Court ), Maria C . Joyner ( Office of Nancy J . Whaley , Standing Ch . 12 and 13 Trustee ), Nathan T . Juster ( Jones & Walden LLC ), Gai Lynn McCarthy ( KPPB Law ), Howie P . Slomka ( Slipakoff & Slomka , PC ), and Kelly E . Waits ( Burr & Forman LLP ).
ALEXANDRA " CC " SCHNAPP U . S . Bankruptcy Court , Law Clerk to Chief Bankruptcy Judge Wendy L . Hagenau Alexandra _ Schnapp @ ganb . uscourts . gov
DOROTEYA N . WOZNIAK James Bates Brannan Groover LLP dwozniak @ jamesbatesllp . com

Corporate Counsel

The Corporate Counsel Section is excited about the 2021-2022 Bar year . We look forward to a wonderful year of programming and events where we can see our friends , fellow Bar members and colleagues and simply have some fun ! It has been too long .
Plans for this year include improving the Section ’ s e-Community webpage , presenting opportunities for pro bono service , networking , and presenting timely CLE ’ s on current topics of interest . We are here to serve you , our members . It is important that we know what you are interested in and make sure your membership in the Section is meaningful to you . If anyone has thoughts , comments , or ideas , please feel free to contact Betsy C . Griswold at bdgriswold01 @ gmail . com .
Finally , a big welcome to the following individuals who will serve on the Board of Directors and as Officers of the Section . Thank you in advance for your hard work in making this a successful Bar year . Chair Betsy C . Griswold , Vice-Chair Doug R . Balyeat ( Pratt Industries ), Treasurer O . Logan Ide ( Latitude Legal ), Secretary Jerico J . Phillips ( Kimball International ), Immediate Past-Chair Abbey B . Morrow ( Cox Automotive ); and Members-at-Large Amy E . Buice ( Smith Gambrell & Russell ) and Mario A . Bolanos , Jr . ( Nelson Mullins ).
BETSY C . GRISWOLD bdgriswold @ mindspring . com

Criminal Law

The Criminal Law Section held its first luncheon of the year on September 15 , 2021 at Establishment in Midtown . Trey Bennett ( Deputy Executive Counsel at Office of Governor Brian P . Kemp ), updated attendees on the Governor ’ s recent efforts to fight human trafficking and how the Governor ’ s legal team is helping the State respond to the Coronavirus . Bennett also lead a discussion on what pandemic adaptations within the legal system should be adopted in a post-pandemic world . The next luncheon will be on October 13 , 2021 , and will feature Brenda Smeeton ( Georgia Justice Project ).
EMILY C . WARD Smith Gambrell Russell eward @ sgrlaw . com
34 September / October 2021