The Atlanta Lawyer September/October 2021 Vol. 20, No. 2 | Page 14


Closing a Chapter : Chief Justice Harold D . Melton

The following is an interview with former Georgia Chief Justice Harold D . Melton .
As you reflect on your experiences and prepare to leave your service on the State ’ s Highest Court , how would you describe your time on the court and what would you say is your greatest achievement ? I will leave it to others to grade my work , but what I have enjoyed most and what I am most proud of are the relationships that I have developed while serving on the court . My relationships with my colleagues and others have blossomed to become true friendships rather than relationships based on mere acquaintance . We genuinely care for one another . This has made my service on the court incredibly enjoyable , and it has also made me a better person and a better jurist as a result .
When I first sat on the court , I was not sure how I would be accepted . I was young and relatively unknown throughout the Atlanta
14 September / October 2021