The Atlanta Lawyer September/October 2021 Vol. 20, No. 2 | Página 9

I will be forever grateful for Terri ’ s support , encouragement , and tireless effort during my many years on the Board of the Atlanta Bar . Her relentless enthusiasm for the organization and its members has always been contagious . I had a few crazy things I hoped to accomplish during my brief tenure as president , and Terri never said no – she was always willing to find a way . The ongoing work of the Innovation Study Group remains a testament to her leadership and persistence . I wish her the very best on her next great adventure . She will be missed .
-Ryan K . Walsh , Jones Day , Atlanta Bar President 2018-2019
Terri has given us a great run as the executive director of the Atlanta Bar and the Atlanta Bar Foundation ! Her excellence , perseverance , and judgment on matters great and small - as well as her deep emotional intelligence and humanity - have blessed us and the Atlanta Bar staff . Terri has been a great leader and a friend , who can put up with a lot of lawyers ! So thank you . Here ’ s to the next chapter of your life . Godspeed .
-A . Craig Cleland , Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart , PC , Atlanta Bar President 2019-2020
Terri Bryant is the consummate professional . She dedicates her whole self to her work . Terri cares so deeply about not only the bar as an organization , but the people who make up the bar . For over eight years , she has invested her personal time , talents , and energy into shepherding the bar towards the evolving organization it is today . With a smile and a twinkle in her eye , and in the most diplomatic of ways , Terri encourages us to think outside the box , innovate , engage our members , and make the most of the Atlanta Bar . She leads with strength and compassion for an organization she has championed for a multitude of years . She has put her life on hold , she has forgone vacations , stayed late , woken up early , and answered dozens of calls on her “ personal ” time because of her dedication to the success of the Atlanta Bar . We will miss Terri greatly . The void she leaves at the bar is only dwarfed by the void in the hearts of those with whom she works closely . Thank you , Terri ! I know you will be cheering us on from the sidelines !
-Brooke M . French , Kaye Lembeck Hitt & French Family Law
1 - L-R : Jim Blitch , IV ; Maggie Vath ; Terri Bryant
2 - L-R : Lynn Roberson , Jessica Wood , Terri Bryant
3 - L-R : Veteran Civil Rights Attorney Fred Gray , Harold E . Franklin , Jr ., John Lewis , Terri Bryant
I am delighted to be able to reflect on Terri , both from the perspective of her many significant contributions to the Atlanta Bar and the Bar Foundation . Many people seem to suffer from the Bear Bryant syndrome , replacing a well-regarded and successful leader . Terri clearly did not , being highly qualified and easily accessible . She has steered our Bar through the most difficult time in memory with strong leadership and true guidance . When she took over the position of executive director of the Atlanta Bar Foundation , it was with same amazing attitude of strengthening our programs and providing new concepts . On a personal level , Terri has a special blend of a friendly and caring attitude . She is unique in so many ways and will be sorely missed . I wish her well on her new journey with her family as so well-deserved .
-Robert G . Wellon , Wellon Family Law , Atlanta Bar Foundation President 2021-2022
Terri ’ s tenure as executive director of the Atlanta Bar began about the same time that I joined the Board of Directors . As a result , unlike some , I do not distinctly remember an “ Association without Terri .” Her enthusiasm , passion , and thoughtfulness have collectively well-positioned the Association to weather many challenges , including that of a global pandemic . In large part because of Terri , the Association is staged to emerge revitalized and reimagined for current and future members . Admittedly , it will be tough realizing that a nuanced answer or detailed insight as to any “ inner working ” of the Association will no longer be a mere phone call away . More importantly , though , I will miss a valued friend and colleague ; a truly good person . Terri , I wish you well in your endeavors and know that we will remain in touch in this new chapter .
-Chris P . Lightner , Alston & Bird LLP , Atlanta Bar Vice-President 2021-2022
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