The Atlanta Lawyer - Official Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association Dec | Page 9

Celebrating 125 Years Helen Douglas Mankin on the steps of the United States Capitol, where she was sworn in on February 25, 1946, as the first congresswoman to be elected from Georgia. (Courtesy of UPI/Bettman News Photos.) The Gate City Bar Association was founded in 1948 by: (front, left to right) R.E. Thomas, Jr., Pruden Herndon, A.T. Walden, J.E. Salter, E.S. D' Antignac. (back, left to right) T.W. Holmes, E.E. Moore, Jr., S.S. Robinson, T.J. Henry, Charles Clayton. (Courtesy of R.E. Thomas.) The Official News Publication of the Atlanta Bar Association December 2013 THE ATLANTA LAWYER 9